Wahid Foundation Supports BNPT to Implement Action Plan of RAN PE in All Cities
Jakarta – Actions of prevention and countermeasure to violence-based extremism with terrorism tendency has been continuously done by Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme (BNPT)–National Counter Terrorism Agency which has been mandated by the state through Presidential Regulation (Peraturan Presiden/Perpres) Number 7 Year 2021 regarding National Action Plan to Prevent and Countermeasure Violence-Based Extremism with Terrorism Tendency (Rencana Aksi Nasional Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Ekstremisme Berbasis Kekerasan yang Mengarah pada Terorisme/ RAN PE). The presidential regulation was vetted by President Joko Widodo on 6 January 2021.
As a strategically comprehensive action, BNPT work together with several Civil Society Organizations (Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil/OMS) to implement the action plans under RAN PE. Wahid Foundation is one of the OMS that fully supports Presidential Regulation No. 7 Year 2021. Through the International Cooperation Deputy of BNPT, Andhika Chrisnayudhanto, Wahid Foundation and BNPT virtually discussed the RAN PE implementation plan strategy on Thursday (5/8) noon in Jakarta. The discussion focused on RAN PE action plan that will be implemented by regional heads in Indonesia.
“BNPT has been corresponding with Minister of Internal Affairs and many regional heads so the RAN PE can be implemented as immediate as possible. The ways to do so are still being discussed by Ditjen Polpum (Direktorat Jenderal Politik dan Pemerintahan Umum–General Directory for Politics and General Government). The bottom line is from each region the action will start from Kesbangpol (Badan Kesatuan Bangsa, Politik dan Perlindungan Masyarakat–National Unity, Politics, and Community Protection Agency).
The meeting between Wahid Foundation and BNPT was a form of collaboration between the government and civil society in terms of the society’s increased prevention and countermeasure towards terrorism. During the meeting, Andhika also mentioned that a meeting with all Provincial Kesbangpol should be arranged as immediate as possible and a regulation for fund-related matters from Bappeda (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah–Regional Development Planning Agency) is urgently required.
“In the field, society will gain insights through the support from Wahid Foundation. BNPT has been tremendously helped by Wahid Foundation in voicing prevention of radical doctrines,” Andika said.
Agreeing with Andika, Visna Vulovik, Wahid Foundation’s Director of Program Development stated that Wahid Foundation is ready to fully support BNPT’s RAN PE with their own program that has been running in many regions of Indonesia to maximize the targeted result.
“Several of our initiatives in the field is ready to be synergized and integrated with RAN PE in every region, one of it is the Peace Village Program activities,” said Visna.
During the opportunity, Wahid Foundation also presented several prioritized programs that are related with working programs of BNPT, specifically for the implementation of RAN PE, such as RAN PE Advocacy, Peace and Village and School Program, and Women’s Participation in Terrorism Prevention. Wahid Foundation and BNPT mutually hope the increased cooperation can be maximized.
The meeting was attended by International Cooperation Deputy Andhika Chrisnayudhanto, dan Regional and Multilateral Cooperation Director Muhammad Zaim Nasution, Executive Director of Wahid Foundation, Mujtaba Hamdi, Program Development Director of Wahid Foundation Visna Vulovik, PCVE Consultant PCVE Ira Novita.