Women's economic empowerment is one of the important points in the implementation of the Peace Village program. Some of the training sessions held for this program aim to strengthen the business skills of women's groups in accordance with local potentials and culture. In addition, these family, financial and business literacy training sessions have a broader purpose. The concept of Women as Peace entrepreneurship agents becomes the principle of this program, because women as agents of peace in society are able to have economic skills and literacy. Women with these skills in economics and literacy are later organized into women's business groups as an effort to build ‘One Village One Product’ (OVOP) within the framework of the Peace Village program.
OVOP is a concept to developing potentials and empowering regional economies that prioritize local resources in order to become valuable and competitive in local and global markets. Uniqueness, quality, and sustainability are the vital areas in the development of the OVOP. Moreover, this concept is also used as a medium in the building of communication among stakeholders starting from the government, both at the district/city level and the village/urban village level, and also involving non-government parties. Thus, this concept can be built on three main pillars, namely profitability, superiority of local values, and social cohesion among stakeholders. These three main pillars in the OVOP have become one of the keys in building community resilience, as part of an effort to build a Peace Village.