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Sidomulyo Sinau Sehat: Learn About Health and Peaceful Actions event in Commemorating International Peace Day

BATU, Public Relations - Mayor of Batu Dra. Hj. Dewanti Rumpoko attended the Sinau Sehat dan Aksi Damai (Learn about Health and Peaceful Actions) event with the  theme Sidomulyo Sinau Sehat (Sidomulyo Learns to be Healthy) in commemoration of the International Peace Day organized by the Sidomulyo Village Government at the Freshwater Aquaculture Installation Center (PBAT), Jl.Mawar Putih, Sidomulyo Village, Batu District, Batu City, Monday evening (9/21/2020).

Attendees include the former Chairman of Tanfidziyah PCNU Batu City Hasyim Sirojuddin (Gus Siroj), A member of the Regional People's Representative Council Jatmiko; Yopi Supriadi, the Head of Batu District; Mat Berlin from Tim Saber Pungli of Batu City; the Head of Village Suharto; the Chairman of The Driving Team for Family Welfare Development (TP PKK) in Sidomulyo Village; the Chairman of Sidomulyo Village Working Group Roni; and the village residents.

The Mayor of Batu in her speech said that Sidomulyo Village was quite fortunate because she had aspirations that her village would progress and be a place for educational and beneficial activities. When everyone has the same thoughts and aspirations, to be able to do common things together through peaceful actions, they will make any activity run smoothly and properly; and this is something extraordinary. In the future, fellows equipped with knowledge and skills can be able to do useful activities when the situation has gone back to normal.

"We know that she (Yenny Wahid) works with the community, and the activities of her organization are immense, which means she does everything sincerely in order to unite the Indonesian people and implement the Peace Village program nationally," she added. (Hms)


Photographer: Topan Ari Gayo / Narrator: Hadi Wahyono

This article is taken from humas.kotabatu.go.id


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