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Launching of WCC in Telukan Village, Sukoharjo

Telukan, March 8th, 2023 - The launching event of the Women's Crisis Center (WCC) in Telukan Village, Sukoharjo Regency, was successfully held on Tuesday (08/03/2023). The event was attended by government representatives, both from the regency and village levels, as well as religious and community figures from Telukan Village. From the regency government, the Head of the PPKBP3A Office, the PPA Police Unit, the Sub-District Secretary, and representatives of Grogol Police Station were present. Meanwhile, from the village, the village head and staff, the WCC team, prominent religious figures, and Telukan Village community members were present.

The launching event began with the singing of the Indonesian national anthem, followed by speeches from the attendees. The first speech was delivered by the Sub-District Secretary who represented the Grogol Sub-District Head, expressing gratitude and appreciation for the event. They sincerely believe and hope that WCC could serve as an example in raising awareness of the role and rights of women and children everywhere. "It's time for women in Sukoharjo to speak up. Speak up for their rights, and be brave enough to report if they feel harassed by people from other areas."

The launch of WCC prompted the village head of Telukan, Mr. Sriyanto, to express his gratitude to the invited guests for attending the event and requesting support from the community in order to realize the dream of a peaceful Telukan Village.

The third speech was delivered by the Head of DPPKB P3A, Proboningsih Dwi Danarti, who appreciated the initiative taken by the Telukan Village head and Wahid Foundation in launching WCC, as it is closely related to the PPKB P3A Office program (Population Control, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment, and Child Protection), which aims to build quality families. According to her, to build a peaceful and harmonious village, the first step is to create families that are an exemplar in nature. Therefore, Mrs. Probo emphasized the importance of the role of women in the family and encouraged them to speak up for gender equality.

In the next speech, the representative of the Wahid Foundation, M.Z Fanani, stated that this peaceful village program is the result of collaboration between Wahid Foundation and UN Women, and aims to strengthen social cohesion as an indicator of community independence and resilience in filtering incoming issues. He hoped that this program could receive support from all segments of the community and become an extension of the PPKBP3A Office's work program. On the other hand, he also stated, "this program is also expected to become a media in community-based capacity strengthening efforts, especially for women's groups, to later participate in prevention efforts against all forms of violence, whether it is violence related to intolerance or radicalism, gender-based violence, or sexual violence, as mandated by Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning Sexual Violence Crimes."

PPA Police Unit Chief of Sukoharjo Police, Mrs. Ika, delivered the last speech while also giving guidance to the community on the process of handling violence cases in the village environment, especially towards children, through the act of reporting them to the PPA unit.

The event ended with a signing of commitment by the Head of DPPKBP3A, the Sukoharjo Police Chief, the Telukan Village Head, and the Wahid Foundation, which is a form of joint agreement in the process of strengthening justice and protection services for women and children, especially in cases of Gender-Based Violence and Sexual Violence Crimes.

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Peace Village initiative aims to tackle the threat of radicalism by empowering communities, one village at a time, through cultivating social cohesion, community resilience, as well as promoting societal equality and respect for diversity.

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