Peace Village and Cultural Tourism Destination in Duren Seribu Finishes its Construction
Duren Seribu – The construction of Peace Village and Cultural Tourism Destination in RT02/04 Duren Seribu Village, Bojongsari Sub-District, has reached a significant progress. Soon, the construction of the village gate as the entrance to the Peace Village will be finished.
Duren Seribu Village Headman, Suhendar, stated that the construction of the iconic gate for the Duren Seribu Village costed approximately 40 Million Rupiah.
“Alhamdulillah, the construction and setting of the Peace Village and Cultural Tourism Destination is finished one by one,” Suhendar stated on Sunday (20/7).
He explained that, other than the construction of the gate, there are also several renovations to turn the local residence houses to Betawi traditional housing. Betawi traditional ornaments are built in the face of the houses, such as ornamental Gigi Balang, and green and yellow painting.
“The construction of the gate to the Peace Village and Culture has been finished 100 percent. The cultural area will also be decorated with Herbal Park, which will differ the village from other village,” Suhendar said.
He explained that the budget for the construction is funded by Wahid Foundation and self-funded by the local residence. At the moment, there are 15 houses that have been renovated, which funded by Wahid Foundation for 50 Million Rupiah, and locally funded by the residence for 20 Million Rupiah.
“There are 15 houses that were installed with Betawi traditional Gigi Balang ornament. This program is supported by Wahid Foundation,” he explained.
In the future, the village will be equipped with traditional musical instrument and other Betawi traditional arts to conserve local tradition.