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Fairy Tales, Effective Means to Introduce Healthy Lifestyles to Early Childhoods

It is easiest to explain health protocols to adults. However, when dealing with children in the age of early childhood education or early childhood education or kindergarten, it is certainly different. It takes a number of touches and cooperation with guardians, students and the ranks of ustadz.

This is also what drives the NU-Care Institute for Amil Zakat, Infaq, and Shadakah Nahdlatul Ulama (LAZISNU) Branch Representative Assembly (MWCNU) Guluk-guluk Sumenep, East Java. They held education for guardians and students of Al-Wildan Kindergarten and Al-Wildan Kindergarten (TK-TPA), Annuqayah Islamic Boarding School in North Lubangsa area, Wednesday (7/10).

Mrs. Zahratu Ni'am Panji said that this activity consisted of two stages. First, an educational fairy tale with the theme 'Healthy Living, Clean Living' delivered by Avan Fathorrahman. Second, a parenting seminar with the theme 'The Strategic Role of Women in Family Resilience during the Pandemic in the Perspective of the Koran' led by Mrs. Fairuzah.

The Head of NU-Care LAZISNU MWCNU Guluk-guluk explained that the purpose of the activity was to educate students about healthy lifestyles through storytelling.

"This activity can also protect the guardians of students about the proper way to convey positive messages to children," he said.

Furthermore, he believes that this activity can strengthen the spirit of housewives who play an active role in the family, both in the economic and education fields during the pandemic.

Ms. Avan, her nickname, who was asked as a resource person, taught children about how to live healthy during a pandemic. The storyteller of Sumenep Regency gave 3 M. healthy tips or keys, namely wearing a mask, washing hands with soap, and consuming nutritious and healthy food.

"Don't forget that the children, before and after eating, have to read the prayer first," he said.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Fairuzah, who was asked as the second presenter, explained the role of women in family resilience, both in the economic and social fields.

The caretaker of the Nurul Hikmah Sabajarin Guluk-guluk Islamic Boarding School emphasized that women as pillars in the household must be patient in educating their children. Especially now that his financial condition is running low due to Covid-19.

"Be grateful for the blessings given by Allah SWT and continue to support their children in studying at madrassas by implementing health protocols," he pleaded.

By citing the Koran that every individual is a leader who will be held accountable, including the role of the mother in the family environment. This activity is in collaboration with the Wahid Foundation, UN Women, Peace Village, NU Online, TK-TPA Al-Wildan Guluk-guluk.

Contributor: Firdausi
Editor: Ibnu Nawawi

Source: https://www.nu.or.id/post/read/123713/dongeng--sarana-efektif-mengenalkan-pola-hidup-sehat-kepada-anak-usia-dini

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