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Together with Wahid Foundation, Pokja Damai of Tipes Village Held Iftar Together and Workshop to Promote Peace on the Village Level

Surakarta-Bina Damai Working Group (Kelompok Kerja/Pokja) of Tipes village held iftar together and workshop with stakeholders of the village, Serengan District, Surakarta, themed “Building, Keeping and Increasing Peace in Orderly, Safe, and Serene Condition in Tipes Village Area” on Sunday afternoon, (02/05) at Pos PAUD Pelita Hati Bangsa, Tipes village.

The workshop was held to facilitate discussion between and listen to the opinions of stakeholders in Tipes village and all members of the Working Group regarding the concept of peace promoted by Wahid Foundation Peace Village Program in Tipes. The village is known to be one of the many villages chaperoned by Wahid Foundation to implement the program.

Wahid Foundation Program Officer, Fanani, stated that the Wahid Foundation Peace Village Program aims to promote peace and create a gender-responsive community on the village level.

“The Peace Village Program is an initiative by Wahid Foundation started in 2017. This program is initiated to promote peace and create a gender-responsive community that empowers the women, youths and local government officers who teamed up under Pokja Damai to involve together in develop sustainable policy that encourages peace and gender equality,” Fanani said in her opening speech.

Fanini also mentioned, The Peace Village Program is in accordance with the RAN P3AKS (Rencana Aksi Nasional Perlindungan dan Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Anak dalam Konflik SosialNational Action Plan to Protect and Empower Women and Children under Social Conflict) and RAN PE (Rencana Aksi Nasional Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Ekstremisme Berbasis Kekerasan yang Mengarah pada TerorismeNational Action Plan to Prevent and Countermeasure Violence-Based Extremism With Terrorism Tendency) which has been vetted last January under Presidential Regulation No. 21.

Activist and Member of Tipes Village’s Pokja Damai, Suyoto, explained that living in peace is a way to peaceful, serene and harmonious life to achieve shared goals.

“Peace can be achieved by living a peaceful and serene life with mutual tolerance of the people, whether people of same or different religion, to create peace and mutual cooperation to achieve shared goals,” he said during his presentation of the concept of peace to all stakeholders of Tipes village on the workshop.

Suyoto also explained how Pokja Damai of Tipes village was formed. According to him, the following are the objectives: to maintain harmony and peace between the people, improving mutual tolerance and spirit of unity, and to enliven legacy of local wisdom in order to generate the spirit of cooperation (gotong royong) in the people of Tipes.

In the meantime, positive response was addressed directly by Head of District of Serengan, Agung Wijayanto, who was also present in the event. He agreed that peace is the key to live together harmoniously.

“I really appreciate this activity as once a peaceful life of a community is achieved, people will live together in harmony,” he said.

He also hoped that this activity will be an example for other village in Sarengan and lead to a positive trend in maintaining peace of each area, which will also lead to peaceful life between the people who live in Solo.

“Through this activity, we hope it will be a steppingstone for all villages in Surakarta, starting from Serengan district. As Solo is the national centre of education, it is important for this city to be a peaceful city,” he added.

Positive response was also received from Head of the District Police, Kompol (Police Commissioner) Suswanto. He said that the peace promoting concept initiated under the Peace Village Program is already in accordance with Human Rights (Hak Asasi Manusia/HAM) and the legislative provisions in force.

“The program has the same principal with the legislative provisions in force and human rights, which I am strongly agree and support. One of the many principals is there should not be any discrimination towards anyone,” he explained.

This event, which was ended with praying together and break-the-fast or iftar together, was attended by all members of Tipes village’s Pokja Bina Damai, Head of the village, Head of LPMK of Tipes Village, Representatives from Military Headquarters at the ward level (Komando Rayon Militer/Koramil) and Serengan Sectoral Police (Polsek), Head of Serengan District, and several representatives across religions from Serengan.

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Peace Village initiative aims to tackle the threat of radicalism by empowering communities, one village at a time, through cultivating social cohesion, community resilience, as well as promoting societal equality and respect for diversity.

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